Monday 17 August 2015

Fried Rice

We made Fried Rice to experience some local cuisine from China.  Bella, Talluelah and Mrs Super Simpson helped us cook it in a Wok!
We used the broccoli and cauliflower from the Room 6 garden.  It was so exciting to eat food we had grown! We made a cone for a bowl to eat our rice out of and we even ate our fried rice with our fingers!!!

Sunday 9 August 2015

Fab Friday Mathematics!

Do most children in our school have blue eyes??
Image result for blue eyes
What we found out:
Blue eyes in our school....
Room 1- 11
Room 2- 9
Room 3- 11
Room 4- 11
Room 5- 12
Room 6- 7
Room 7- 6

Total number of blue eyes in the school- 67
Total number of children in our school- 157
% of children with blue eyes= 43%

We decided that most had to be about 75% or above!
So.... no most children do not have blues eyes in our school. Under half- 43% of children have blue eyes.

Hairy Maclary

Recently we wrote about our own scallywag characters using ideas from Hairy Maclary....

Out of the rubbish bin and off for a run went Cutey Cat from 8 Castleroad Flat. 

Out of the fence and off for a run went Gypsy from Hollom Clipsy. 

Out of the door and off for a swim went Theo Dog from Broad Bay bog. 

Out of the door and off for a run went Furry Smudge from..... 

Out of the door and off for a play went Stuart dog from just a log. 

Out of the fence and off for a run went Basil Cat from Macandrew Bay Track. 

Out of the toilet and off for a run went Possum Austen from the city of Boston. 