Monday 30 March 2015

Yesterday we went to the Art Galley.  We had such a fun time learning about Space and Art!
Nora said "I remember that I went to the Art Gallery and then we did a movie,".

Ada said" I remember going to the room where you do art,".

Neko said "I remember the rocket,".

Oliver said " I remember the Maui and the Sun story,".

Thursday 26 March 2015


We have been learning so much about our Space Inquiry: Look to the Sky and Wonder Why!

Here are some of the Wonderings we have and that we are going to research and hopefully find the answers to!

I wonder why the sun is so bright?- Rosa
I wonder why the Milky Way is called the Milky Way? Finn
I wonder what is under the skin of a meteorite? Monty
I wonder what the Milky Way is made out of? Neko
I wonder if I could jump on the moon? Jack
I wonder why the sun is so hot? Madison
I wonder what the Milky Way is made of? Ada/ Ditte Sofie
I wonder what a rocket is made of? Kaia
I wonder if a meteorite would hit Mars? Mackenzie
I wonder how the sun is so hot? Liam
I wonder what is inside the Earth? Oliver
I wonder if the sun has rocks on it? Angus
I wonder about all of the planets and what the planets are? Nora

Saturday 14 March 2015