Monday 17 August 2015

Fried Rice

We made Fried Rice to experience some local cuisine from China.  Bella, Talluelah and Mrs Super Simpson helped us cook it in a Wok!
We used the broccoli and cauliflower from the Room 6 garden.  It was so exciting to eat food we had grown! We made a cone for a bowl to eat our rice out of and we even ate our fried rice with our fingers!!!

Sunday 9 August 2015

Fab Friday Mathematics!

Do most children in our school have blue eyes??
Image result for blue eyes
What we found out:
Blue eyes in our school....
Room 1- 11
Room 2- 9
Room 3- 11
Room 4- 11
Room 5- 12
Room 6- 7
Room 7- 6

Total number of blue eyes in the school- 67
Total number of children in our school- 157
% of children with blue eyes= 43%

We decided that most had to be about 75% or above!
So.... no most children do not have blues eyes in our school. Under half- 43% of children have blue eyes.

Hairy Maclary

Recently we wrote about our own scallywag characters using ideas from Hairy Maclary....

Out of the rubbish bin and off for a run went Cutey Cat from 8 Castleroad Flat. 

Out of the fence and off for a run went Gypsy from Hollom Clipsy. 

Out of the door and off for a swim went Theo Dog from Broad Bay bog. 

Out of the door and off for a run went Furry Smudge from..... 

Out of the door and off for a play went Stuart dog from just a log. 

Out of the fence and off for a run went Basil Cat from Macandrew Bay Track. 

Out of the toilet and off for a run went Possum Austen from the city of Boston. 

Sunday 26 July 2015

Problem Solving Friday! How many people can stand on a piece of paper.  How many pieces of paper are needed for the whole class?

2 people can fit on 1 piece of paper!

8 people can fit on 4 pieces of paper!
Great problem solving Room 6!

Tuesday 23 June 2015

Transport Inventions!

We have been very busy in Room 6- Designing, Problem Solving and Making our 'Moving Vehicles'
The vehicle had to carry an egg 50cm form A to B. Our next step is working in a group to use our ideas and recreate another moving vehicle...this time we have to create a vehicle that will carry an egg 1 metre (Double 50cm!)
Don't forget we have Parent Assembly this Friday.  Room 5 and 6 are running the assembly.  See you all there!

Saturday 6 June 2015

We had to say farewell to Ada today.  She is moving to Auckland.. we will miss her smiley face, passion for Maths and counting, her caring nature and great attitude towards all her learning. Haere ra, Ada! Remember to send us an email. xo

Monday 4 May 2015

Inquiry- The World in Motion

Inquiry for term 2: We are helping the children to understand that people have explored their world throughout time, using different forms of transport. People have the ability to move themselves and things through their own inventiveness. This term will primarily have a Technology focus but we will also look at Explorers as part of our Social Sciences learning. We plan to go to the Otago Museum to learn about Explorers and will also go to Toitu to find out more about different forms of transport that have been invented and found useful throughout history.

On Friday Dave and Lewis from Football South came to start teaching us.  We can't wait until next Friday.  We worked on ball control and kicking.

Wednesday 29 April 2015

Anzac Day!

On Friday 24th April we had a special Fab Friday, learning all about Anzac History.  We worked with children from Room 4 and 5 and got to do 3 different workshops.  Anzac cookies in Room 4.  Poppy making in Room 5 and Poppy pictures in Room 6.
Here are some of our Poppy pictures... ANZAC Fab Friday was FUN!!

Monday 13 April 2015

Reading Activities

Writing letters and words


Non-Fiction Research

The Library!

Reading Big Books

We have been working on doing our reading challenges all term.  We usually have 4-5 different challenges to do including having reading time with our Teacher! When we have finished these challenges we get to choose a free choice activity!

Monday 30 March 2015

Yesterday we went to the Art Galley.  We had such a fun time learning about Space and Art!
Nora said "I remember that I went to the Art Gallery and then we did a movie,".

Ada said" I remember going to the room where you do art,".

Neko said "I remember the rocket,".

Oliver said " I remember the Maui and the Sun story,".

Thursday 26 March 2015


We have been learning so much about our Space Inquiry: Look to the Sky and Wonder Why!

Here are some of the Wonderings we have and that we are going to research and hopefully find the answers to!

I wonder why the sun is so bright?- Rosa
I wonder why the Milky Way is called the Milky Way? Finn
I wonder what is under the skin of a meteorite? Monty
I wonder what the Milky Way is made out of? Neko
I wonder if I could jump on the moon? Jack
I wonder why the sun is so hot? Madison
I wonder what the Milky Way is made of? Ada/ Ditte Sofie
I wonder what a rocket is made of? Kaia
I wonder if a meteorite would hit Mars? Mackenzie
I wonder how the sun is so hot? Liam
I wonder what is inside the Earth? Oliver
I wonder if the sun has rocks on it? Angus
I wonder about all of the planets and what the planets are? Nora

Saturday 14 March 2015

Tuesday 24 February 2015


Swimming with the Swimsation teachers was fun!

Here are some swimming stories from last week!

I can blow bubbles in the water.


I can dive down too and do back flips.



I can go under water.


I can put my head under the water and swim back up!


I can swim in the swimming pool!


I can put my head under water.



I can put my head under the water.


I can go right under the water.


I can blow bubbles in the water.



I can blow bubbles and float on my back.

Ditte Sofie